Academic Excellence

The Outdoor Classroom

The Outdoor Classroom

Our outdoor spaces are used to enhance the curriculum and go beyond the traditional boundaries of the classroom.

The Outdoor Classroom is interwoven throughout our schemes of learning, it is not unusual for students at Kingsmead to be learning outside. Whether it be within Science completing a practical and looking at concepts such as biodiversity, or in Geography, using our sandpit to create coastal landforms. Or even in Music, creating sounds with nature or performing on the steel drums.

The lack of walls means that student’s creativity is at its pinnacle. Subjects such as English and Drama use this to their advantage, grasping this opportunity to encourage students to experiment with different styles and collaborate with others.

Pupils are at the heart of our outdoor space, whether by designing the land use or maintaining the upkeep.

Our Outdoor Classroom is at the heart of our school and our RIME values:


Students at Kingsmead experience a broad and balanced curriculum. It is a school where students are challenged and The Outdoor Classroom motivates students to think different and encourages students to fly. You would be surprised to see the impact a change of scenery can have on learning.


The Outdoor Classroom supports with creativity, encourage decision making and experience learning in different ways. Natural surroundings can provide an abundance of inspiration! 


Being outside offers us the opportunity to connect with our senses. The Outdoor Classroom provides a safe space for students to continue to learn whilst in relaxing nature. Getting back to nature can have a great impact on your mental health, and we want our students to benefit from this.  


Students feel responsible for maintaining The Outdoor Classroom to be an accessible learning environment and have inputs into how they would like the classroom to be used. This is a great opportunity for students to have their say and take ownership of their spaces at Kingsmead.