
Personal Development

SuBject Leader: MRS C FRAZER



At Kingsmead we are invested in our young people, not just through academic pathways, but through their personal development journey. Personal Development allows our students to become more well-rounded members of society. It is a place of well-being, addressing topics from around the world and current affairs. Our students are shown tolerance and diversity of others and the importance of respectful discussions. Our students learn about relationships and recognising the impact of healthy and unhealthy features of these as well as keeping themselves save and protected. How to keep safe online and in the community and the importance of their digital footprint on their future.

Our school values are embedded deeply into the Personal Development curriculum; Resilient, Innovative, Mindful and Employable. It is a safe place to explore the person you are and who you want to be.



Year 7

Autumn Term
Peer on peer abuse, Online safety - Protecting yourself, Well-Bing and Self esteem, Careers, Black History - Tolerance, Drugs and Alcohol - Dangerous Effects, UK Parliament - Democracy, Remembrance day, Healthy Diets and First Aid, Mindfulness and Helping others.

Spring Term
Healthy Bodies and minds, Gangs and Violence - Avoiding gangs and criminal behaviour, MLK Day, Holocaust Memorial day, LGBTQ+ - History and stereotypes, Radicalisation and Prevent, Tolerance and anti-bullying, Careers, International women's day, Public Sexual Harassment, Human rights - What are they?, Kindness and our community. Puberty session (boys and girls) and Menstrual Well-being (girls only).

Summer Term
International Earth day, Mental Health - breaking down the stigma, Grooming - CSE/CCE - Online safety, Relationships - Family, Careers, LGBTQ+ - Diversity and tolerance, World press - role of the media, World refugee week, Online safety - Social Media, Prejudice and Discrimination.


Year 8

Autumn Term
Peer on peer abuse, Online safety - Cyber bullying, Well-being and self esteem, Careers, Black History - Tolerance, Drugs and alcohol - understanding the dangers, UK Parliament - role of the MP's, Remembrance day, Healthy diets and first aid, Mindfulness and helping others.

Spring Term
Healthy bodies and minds, gangs and violence - What is County lines, MLK day, Holocaust memorial day, LGBTQ+ - history and stereotypes, Radicalisation and prevent, tolerance and anti-bullying, Careers, international women's day, Public Sexual Harassment, Human rights - Why are they important, Kindness and community.

Summer Term
International Earth day, mental health - breaking down the stigma, Grooming - CSE/CCE - Online safety, Relationships - Romantic, Careers, LGBTQ+ Pride - Tolerance and diversity, World press - importance of the media, world refugee week, online safety - social media, Prejudice and discrimination.


Year 9

Autumn Term
Peer on peer abuse, Online safety - sexting and inappropriate content, well-being and self esteem, Careers, Black History - Tolerance, Drugs and Alcohol - Legal highs, UK Parliament - Passing a law, Remembrance day, Healthy diets and first aid, Mindfulness and helping others.

Spring Term
Healthy bodies and mind, Gangs and violence - Who is at risk, MLK Day, Holocaust memorial day, LGBTQ+ month - History and stereotypes, Radicalisation and prevent, Tolerance and anti-bullying, Careers - options, International Women's day, Public sexual Harassment, Human rights - conflict, Kindness and the community.

Summer Term
International Earth day, Mental Health - breaking down the stigma, Grooming - Abusive behaviour and consent, Relationships - intimate, Careers, LGBTQ+ Pride - Tolerance and diversity, World Press - Censorship, World refugee week, Online safety - social media, Prejudice and discrimination. Sex Education - Contraception, Pornography - reality v's screen, How to check our bodies for changes - Breasts and testes.



Year 10

Autumn Term
Peer on peer abuse, Online Safety - Pros and cons of gaming, well-being and self esteem, Careers, Black history - tolerance, Drugs and Alcohol - human cost of drug abuse, UK Parliament - Why is parliament important, Remembrance day, Healthy diets and first aid, Mindfulness and helping others.

Spring Term
Healthy bodies and minds, Careers, MLK Day, Holocaust memorial day, LGBTQ+ - history and stereotypes, Domestic abuse and sexual assault - challenging victim blaming, Tolerance and anti-bullying, International Women's day, Public Sexual Harassment, Human Rights - Importance of Magna Carta in 21st century, Kindness and community.

Summer Term
International Earth day, Mental Health - breaking down the stigma, Sex Education - STI's - Treatments and removing barriers to care, Relationships - Knowing when you are ready and keeping safe, Careers, LGBTQ+ Pride - Tolerance and diversity, World Press - Should the media be free, World refugee week, Online safety - Social Media, Prejudice and discrimination.


Year 11

Autumn Term
Peer on peer abuse, Online safety - enjoying the digital world safely, well-being and self esteem, careers, Black History - tolerance, Drugs and Alcohol - wider risks to substance abuse - safety, career, relationship etc, UK Parliament - Debate and elections, Remembrance day, Healthy diets and first aid, Mindfulness and helping others.

Spring Term
Healthy bodies and minds, Careers, MLK Day, Holocaust memorial day. LGBTQ+ - Tolerance and stereotypes, Domestic abuse and sexual assault - challenging victim blaming, tolerance and anti-bullying, International Woman's day, Public Sexual Harassment, Human Rights - Rights of prisoners, Kindness and Community.

Summer Term
International Earth Day, Mental Health - breaking down the stigma, Sex Education - STI's- treatment and barriers, Relationships - dealing with breakdown of Careers.



Years 12 and 13

Autumn Term
Work Experience, CPR and Sign Language, University visits, How to safe when socialising - effects of drugs and alcohol, Lead Learning, Post sixth form choices, Black History Month - Tolerance, High Quality CV and Financial skills, Remembrance Day, How to apply for a job and conduct in interview, Mindfulness and helping others, Body confidence and self-respect.

Spring Term
Healthy Bodies and minds, MLK Day, Holocaust memorial day, LGBTQ+ - Tolerance and diversity, Becoming confident in making telephone calls, Sexual Health and STI's - Staying safe, Careers, International Women's day, Public Sexual Harassment, How to cook a healthy meal, Kindness and community.

Summer Term
International Earth Day, Mental Health - breaking down the stigma, Letter and email etiquette, Sexual Health - Consent, domestic abuse, LGBTQ+ Pride - Tolerance and Diversity, UCAS/Personal Statement.


How does this subject develop the whole child?

Contribution to RSE/LIMB/Pledge

The Personal Development curriculum is compliant with the New RSE statutory requirements as well as incorporating living in the wider world (LIMB) we ensure that all content is age-appropriate and is sequenced throughout KS3 - KS5..
RSE is also a weekly talking point, for Students to have respectful discussions about topics e.g. relationships, consent, Sexual Harassment, online safety, domestic abuse and sexual assault. Discussion points will be on Social media for conversations to continue at home.

Cultural Capital Development
Tutor groups are given weekly cultural capital experiences from Theatres, Museums, Travel around the world, Classical Music, Shakespeare, Art. These sessions will be placed on social media.

Cross Curricular Links and Projects
Personal Development includes topics that will be addressed in many subjects across the school. Nutrition and healthy bodies - PE. Online safety - Computer science, Financial Skills - Maths, Careers linked to subjects at school, Parliament and world media - Citizenship theme, First Aid - Health and Social Care, Holocaust and MLK - History. These are only a few examples.

Opportunities to develop your Leadership Skills through this subject
Student Leadership are given regular slots to encourage leadership in all sessions. Leadership is encouraged during discussions in the different sessions to enable confident young people.

Links to developing extended writing, reading and numeracy
Extended writing is weaved throughout the sessions with students then completing a RIME reflection every term looking back over their sessions and how they have shown the RIME values throughout the term, thinking about how this can be improved for the following term. Numeracy is weekly occurrence in the tutor sessions as well as numeracy in context sessions every half term - providing links between numeracy and other subjects.