
How does Kingsmead School use Progress Reports?

Kingsmead School uses progress reports to strengthen the partnership between parent, student and staff.

The reports are also a vital part of our strategy to motivate helping them to be the best version of themselves.

Progress reports prompt students to reflect on the information included in their report.


The Teacher

Class teachers first write comments for their students which allows teachers to reflect on each individual student and identify ways they can reach their potential.


The Student

When students receive their reports, they complete a progress review. Students use their report information and personal learning checklists to review their performance and identify three subjects where they are below expectations, as well as improving gaps in knowledge and skills they need to.

Students then write three SMART targets, with their progress tutor, which say how they will improve. These targets will usually involve independent study at home, using interactive PLC on the school’s Blended Learning Platform. The student’s progress review targets are then shared with parents, alongside the report.


The Parent

Upon receiving their child’s progress report, the parent is asked to give time to reading through it with the student and ask them any questions they might have about the report. If the parent has any question after discussing the report with the student, they can raise these with the student’s teacher(s) or Progress Leader.

The parent will also support the student with the accomplishment of their progress review targets – or the completion of independent study, using interactive PLC’s on the school’s Blended Learning Platform.



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