

At Kingsmead, “All teachers are teachers of students with Special Educational Need or Disability” (SEND Code of Practice, 2014) and support students to learn, progress and achieve both physical and mental well-being.

School staff regularly complete training on SEND matters to enable them to personalise learning and adapt learning episodes to build on the strengths and areas for development of all students, including those with SEND. At Kingsmead School, we ‘Teach to the Top’ and provide well considered and scaffolded approaches to support learning and ensure all students achieve. Our teachers use ‘One Page Profiles’ to ensure they recognise a students special educational needs and disabilities and utilise ‘Quality First Teaching’ strategies to all students to learn most effectively. For the majority of SEND students at Kingsmead, this approach enables students to make good progress and achieve their full potential.

In the event students do not make expected progress following quality first teaching strategies being in place and refined, students may also be offered access to a range of small group interventions delivered by both subject specialist practitioners and facilitators. We may also explore the use of personalised adult support where appropriate to provide an intensive, additional layer of support.

The SENCo also has oversight of the access arrangements awarded to students ahead of both key stage 4 and 5 public exams. The process of exploring access arrangement entitlements begins in year 9 and are typically finalised in year 10. The school has a qualified assessor able to provide assessment evidence in support of access arrangement awards where appropriate.

The SEND team at Kingsmead is made up of a SENCo who holds the National Award for SEN Coordination and 4 classroom-based facilitators and a range of subject specific practitioners.

Should you wish to discuss your child in relation to SEND or the potential of, please contact Mrs N Caffrey (SENCo) in the first instance: or via telephone using the main reception contact number of: 01543 227320