What is the Blended Learning Platform?
What is blended learning?
Blended learning describes using technology such as laptops as a tool alongside more 'traditional' teaching methods. Students can use computer devices in the classroom providing additional support for those that need it and stretching those who have grasped concepts quickly.
How does Kingsmead support this?
Kingsmead has a blended learning platform. This allows students to access a 'virtual online classroom.' We can enhance what we do in the classroom. This provides us the chance to individualise challenge and support as well as ensuring students have access and use from home.
What's on the blended learning platform?
It was important that we had a flexible and user-friendly system so we have used Microsoft Sharepoint to produce our own virtual learning environment. We have populated it ourselves including worksheets, exam paper and mark schemes, videos, games that have all been designed or sourced by our staff. Everything has been checked so you and we know the material is relevant for the courses Kingsmead students take.
What if my child doesn't have a laptop or computer to access the blended learning platform?
Kingsmead are proud to partner with VeryPC and Freedom Technology to offer parents a laptop scheme whereby you can purchase a laptop through the school. These devices are chosen to enable students to access all the content needed for their learning, and to last at least three school years. They also come with extended (3 year) warranties and cover, so you can have peace of mind that they are protected should there be any accidents or faults. Payment is flexible and can be one sum, or spread over up to three years.
Read more about your questions on Blended Learning and the student device scheme here.