Academic Excellence

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

What is the EPQ?

In summary, the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an opportunity to explore a chosen topic more in depth. Generally, there is one rule, the content should not be covered by your specification e.g. studying for English, you couldn't write about the Great Gatsby. 

You can complete the EPQ in two ways: a 5000 word academic essay, or the creation of an artefact (piece of work) with a 1000 report. 

Why do the EPQ?

The short answer it that it counts towards UCAS (28) points (half an A level). Additionally, it looks excellent on your personal statement. Personal statements should be written in a show me, don't tell me method. Rather than saying you enjoy your subject area, show me. What better way to do this than an EPQ? Explore a topic passionate to you and deepen you understanding.


How do I do the EPQ?

In year 12 you will have an option to complete the qualification in around January.


Want to know more?

View the specification